Love Brings Satisfaction

Love brings satisfaction to others by helping them to become the person that God designed them to be and to do the things that God wants them to do. A person can only do this if they have the love of God abiding in them.

Love Must be Together

Love must be together. Love is relational and relationships must be nurtured to grow strong. The Lord brings a man and a woman together in marriage to be with each other. Your marriage will not grow strong and your love will not grow deeper unless there is an investment of your money and your time.

Love Has an Enemy

Love has an enemy that wants to destroy it and the people in the relationship where love is. God is love and there will only be true love where God is but there is one who hates God and he will do everything he can to destroy what the Lord establishes. The Lord is the One who brings people together in marriage.

Love is Full of Faith

Love is faithful or, in other words, “full of faith” in the One who loves. If there is not faithfulness then there is not love. Eve was not faithful to the Lord when she ate the fruit. She no longer loved God.

Love is Good

Love is good and one of the meanings of the word “good” in the Bible is “the highest form of love”. The Lord is good and He only seeks what is good for us and His actions towards us are the highest expressions of love. When He created man He created man to be loved and to love.

Love Does Not Manipulate

Since Adam named the serpent then he knew the character of the serpent. The serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field. His name “serpent” means “to enchant”. The devil chose to disguise himself in the serpent because the serpent was enchanting and beautiful.

Love Can Be Stolen

Love is a gift that the Lord gives. He wants every married couple to discover His gift of love and to keep it. When a man and a woman get married they both have great intentions to love one another and yet not all who find love end up keeping the deep and abiding love that can last a lifetime that the Lord planned for them. Many married couples either split up or end up existing together but few have a greater love for each other at the end of their lives together than they did at the beginning of their marriage.

Love is Vulnerable

Love makes us vulnerable because it sets up the possibility of rejection and yet, the joy comes when we love someone for who they are and when they return the love with loving back in total acceptance. This is God’s love and this mutual love can not be found anywhere else. It is His design and when we live according to His design then we will praise Him and thank Him for His wisdom, His kindness, His perfection and His amazing plan for us.