Love Must Die to Self

We make the commitment to God to love our spouse when we get married on our wedding day but that commitment to love another is strengthened or weakened by the daily choices we make. The marriage vow is a vow to God and He is the One whom we love when we keep our vows. Our spouse is the recipient of our love for God in keeping our vow or our lack of love for God by not keeping our vow. Your love for your spouse is an expression of your love for God.

Love Must Grow

Love is a choice and love is in relationships. When loving choices are made in a relationship where love is then the love will grow in that relationship. Love is a flame that can be kindled by good choices and warm the hearts of the two people in the love relationship or the love can be quenched by bad choices and allow the hearts of the two people to grow cold toward each other.

Love is a Mature Choice

Love is a choice and is not just a feeling. Feelings are based on emotions and emotions are fickle and can easily change with circumstances but love is a choice based on the character of the lover. A person is not ready for the responsibility of a love relationship between a man and a woman until their character is mature enough to make choices based on wisdom and not feelings.

Love Has Made Itself Known

God has made Himself known to mankind. God is so evident to mankind that man has to turn away from God so as to not believe in God. When people turn their back on God then they become scoffers. In turning their back on God they also turn their back on His love. They no longer see God nor do they see His love, even though at one time they did see God and His love.

Love Has a Great Cost

The Lord loves mankind and each person in the world. He desires that each one would know God and His great love for them. Apart from God and His great love each person will perish and spend an eternity away from God and separated from His love.

Love Does Not Forsake

True love does not forsake. Since the source of true love is not the recipient but the one who is the giver of the love, true love is not dependent on the one loved but is dependent on the lover. The Lord is only source of true love for the Lord is the only One who never changes. However, He can give us His love for others. When Jesus Christ comes to live within a person then He can and wants to love others through the one whom He lives within.

Love Wants to Give Love

Everyone wants to be loved and everyone wants love in their marriage and family. Most, if not all, couples when they get married want to love each other and want the marriage to last. No one wants to be hurt and especially become bitter, and yet, many couples who once loved each other can not even stand to be in the same room at the end of their relationship. However, it should not be that way and that is not the way that God wants it. It is not His will for a marriage to end. It is not the marriage that becomes broken and it is not the vows that are broken but it is the two people who are in the relationship that become broken.

Love Needs Wisdom

Love is the greatest gift and brings much joy, comfort, healing and many other things to sweeten our life. We especially need love when the storms of life are raging and we feel fearful, lonely and helpless. Love makes all of the difference. Love also empowers us and when we feel that someone loves us then we have confidence and faith to accomplish what otherwise would not have been attempted. Even though there is not a greater gift than love it is often taken for granted more than anything else and rarely appreciated until it is gone.

Love Needs to Be Steadfast

True love is steadfast and does not change. It is not dependent on the actions of others nor is it moody or fickle. The more steadfast a love is in a relationship then the more secure the relationship is. Relationships were designed by God to reflect Him. God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Love Can Grow Cold

Most couples when they get married their love for each other is fresh and very much alive. However, as time goes on if they are not careful then their love will grow cold towards each other. Often one of them will feel that they are not “in love” any more. More than anything else, that is not the problem, but rather they do not understand love. Love can be quenched, as fire can be quenched, and seems like it is not as alive as before. However, when one understands more about love then they discover, just as a fire can be rekindled so their love for their spouse can be rekindled if they will follow God’s instructions on rekindling their love.